A successful Pumps & Controls installation begins with sound project design, well executed installation, and a thorough start-up procedure.
EPG includes an Installation Guide, Installation Record Form, and Start-Up Checklist in every O&M to help achieve this. Not only are these documents a useful resource during the design stage, they can be used as part of a "flight check" process at installation and start-up.
The following are some best practices we highly recommend to encourage trouble-free landfill pump operation. You will also find links to download each of the documents referenced above.
Installation DOs and DON'Ts
- Tailor specifications to each job
- Use qualified and experienced installers & electricians
- Establish good electrical ground
- Adhere to color coding of wiring
- Design properly sized force main
- Include air release valves in force main
- Install pressure gauge in pump discharge line
- Over size pumps
- Excessive flow rate creates high velocity in sump, pulling in fines
- Excessive pump head can lead to overload and vibration
- Place control panel too close to riser or sump
- Forget to use seal-offs & not potting them
- Leave excess cable and hose in sump or riser
- Over size pumps

After running first few days:
- Check that adequate grounding remains
- Check voltage
- Look for signs of power surges (lightning)
- Installation problems may be traced back to:
- Poor connections
- Mishandled parts
- Pump flow rate too high for sump design
- Pumps clogged with HDPE chips or sand
After several months of service:
- Check that adequate grounding remains
- Check voltage
- Look for signs of power surges (lightning)
- Do pumps perform as expected?
- Is there noticeable Gas Effect in play (unreliable level readings)?