On Demand Webinars

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These short-form webinars are available on-demand for your convenience. These webinars are offered to you free with no obligation. You will be required to enter your name and email address each time you view one of them.

These on-demand webinars do not award SWANA CEUs. They may qualify as PDHs (Professional Development Hours) in your state, contact your state association(s) to find out.

On-Demand content is copyright © 2020 EPG Companies Inc. All rights reserved. SurePump, LevelMaster and PumpMaster are Reg. TM of EPG Companies Inc.

These on-demand webinars are suitable for:

  • Landfill Design Engineers
  • Landfill Managers
  • Landfill Operators
  • Field Technicians
  • Service Providers
  • Quality Control Consultants

Topic: Pneumatic Pumps

Length: 11:49

This Video covers EPG Pneumatic Pumps. We introduce you to Viridian America, discuss how a pump works, highlights of our offering. We will end with our unique value proposition and the warranty.

Topic: Electric Pumps

Length: 11:08

The goal of this presentation is to educate attendees on centrifugal pump‐based pumping systems. We will provide a general overview of our Electric SurePumps and why EPG provides the best value in the market place.

Topic: Control Panels

Length: 15:22

This Video covers EPG Control Panels. We discuss highlights of our panels, what makes them the best and safest made panels in the industry. What you can expect your pre-sales experience to be like. And finish up with your post sales experience and the warranty.

Topic: OCS (Operator Control Station)

Length: 15:24

This Video covers EPG OCS (Operator Control Station). We discuss highlights of our OCS, how to quickly set up some of the basic settings. We will cover establish communications to user notifications and Security.

Topic: Flares

Length: 9:51

This Video covers Solar Spark @ Biogas flare offerings from EPG. We discuss why flares might be needed and the offering from EPG as the LSC Solar Spark distributor for North America and our LTL Biogas Flares.

Topic: Skid Mounted Flare Assembly

Length: 11:31

This Video covers the 28 easy to follow steps to skid mounted flare assembly. We discuss & guide you through the instructions to assemble a skid mounted solar flare from EPG.

Topic: Quick Disconnects

Length: 6:29

This Video covers EPG's liquid discharge disconnects & guide rail systems.

Topic: Seal Off Fittings

Length: 5:45

This Video covers EPG Seal‐Off fittings. We discuss how gas is created and the effects it can have on Electric Control Panels. How you can protect your equipment and people from harmful gas migration.

Topic: Gauges & Meters

Length: 11:40

This Video covers some of our EPG's optional gauges and controls. We discuss highlights of our level and flow sensors, elapsed time meters and cycle counters and our pressure gauges.

Topic: Landfill Gas Effect

Length: 18:30

In this video we discuss the effect of landfill gas on electric and pneumatic pumps and controls and what you can do to offset those effects.

Topic: Remediation Solutions

Length: 9:15

This Video covers EPG's effective lineup of Remediation Equipment & Solutions.

Topic: Master Level Controls

Length: 18:02

The goal of this presentation is to educate attendees on Master Level Controls offerings. We will provide a general overview of our controls and why MLC provides the best value in the market place.

Topic: Iron Enhanced Sand Filter System

Length: 13:27

This Video covers Pumps and Controls for Iron Enhanced Sand Filters. We discuss why they are used and how they are built.

Manufacturer of Environmental & Industrial Solutions

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